Incorporating Natural Essential Oils In Skin Care

Essential oils were discovered long ago as to having both health and beauty giving qualities. One of the most important essential oils for your skin has been found to be rosehip. Rosehip seed oil, cold pressed from the rose has many benefits, including skin cell regeneration. Rosehip is directly from the "fruit" of the rose, and is packed full of the A and C vitamins, along with essential fatty acids. Although, rosehip seed oil is found in all kinds of natural skin care products, it is also easily applied directly to the skin. Since it is a very light formula of essential oil, there is no residue left behind, and it will quickly adsorb into your skin.

Rosehip oil is an essential oil that will work very well with every kind of skin type. There are many benefits to this oil, including the natural derivative of Retinol, known as Tretinoin. There is also Retinol Acid and anti-oxidant tocopherols, along with omega 3. It is a natural oil which is recommended for better healing of scars associated with minor burns, surgery and acne. For those with eczema or dermatitis, there is symptom relief from directly applied rosehip oil to the affected areas of the skin.

For fresher glowing look, rosehip can be directly applied to your skin. Rosehip oil is wonderful for skin hydration, and skin cell damage repair. It is the fatty acids and antioxidants or lycopene and beta carotene that quickly repair, and further protect your skin from the skin damaging free radicals. Along with the ability to reduce those fine lines and wrinkles, rosehip is known to also reduce acne, and skin pigmentation. It is a essential oil that will work wonders when used at bedtime, for a nightly facial treatment.

Rosehip is so healthy for your skin and body, that it is found in many natural products. Not only is it found in moisturizers, cosmetics, and many other facial and body skin products, but it is also a very nutritious and delicious tea. When drinking rosehip tea, you will be getting a large dose of Vitamin C, which makes for an excellent way to fight off the common cold that may be floating around. When rosehip is produced as a oil, there is more than 80% in essential fatty acids within the oil its self, making it one of the best powerful skin replenishing and repairing quality products that you can use.

Every one has their own ideas of what essential oil they like the best or use the most. If you have some kind of ailment, or a specific condition, it may be a good idea to obtain a list of available essential oils. Many times you will find a table of oils that will give detailed information on each one, which may include uses, ingredients, and even sometimes what oils combine the best with others for more specialized natural health applications.

One of the most popularly known and widely used essential oil is Lavender. It is often used as a base for combination oils and is known as a universal oil. It can be used undiluted and has a wide range of natural health uses.

For physical uses lavender is used for a variety of direct skin applications. You can use it for dry skin and acne. Its cooling, mildly antiseptic qualities make it ideal for a wide range of mild burns or skin irritants, including sun burns and bug bites. The aroma smells bad to biting insects and can be used as a natural repellant. A couple of drops on the temples have been known to alleviate some migraine headaches. Lavender also enhances your body's own healing processes, so it is widely used for colds and congestion. These are just of the few of the many uses of Lavender in topical and internal consumption.

It also has many calming and soothing effects so it is used to effect mood and mental conditions. Because the scent is mild and relaxing, it is often sprinkled on pillows to help one fall asleep more easily, and wake up more refreshed. Because of this it is also used to calm mood swings, balance hormone levels, and help with depression. It is often used by people who meditate, and do yoga, to help with relaxation.

Another popular and widely used essential oil is peppermint. This pleasantly fragrant oil can be inhaled for congestion, relieving motion sickness, and can even improve taste and sense of smell. Rubbing the diluted oil on various places on your body can improve things like stomach aches, sore and tender feet, and massaging it into your neck, shoulders and the back of your head can ease and relieve headaches. Putting a few drops of the oil, or crushing up the dried leaves into a bath and breathing it in relieves stress, and menstrual cramps.

While you can put a few drops on your tongue to help freshen breath, peppermint oil should never be taken internally. This is also a good rule of thumb when dealing with essential oils in general, and you should never consider taking anything internally until consulting a professional When using essential oils topographically, make sure you dilute it will some base oil to avoid skin irritations or other problems.

One good idea when buying oils is to buy them without the dropper top, since oils can break down rubber and contaminate your bottles. Droppers are available separately, and should be cleaned thoroughly after each use.

Digital Marketing Training

Hearing a lot of buzz about Digital Marketing? Wondering what's all the hype about? Read on!

As the digital marketing field continues to grow at a rapid pace, marketers are springing with new opportunities. A Digital Marketing Training Course has been created keeping in mind current industry standards. It is an initiative designed to educate students and professors in the field of Digital Marketing. A certification from Google is the best way to make your CV stand out. It will portray you've got genuine digital skills, and that you are motivated to work in today's business world.

Digital marketing promotes both products and services using digital technologies, like Internet, mobile phones and many other digital mediums. Students that complete the course and get certified will have skills learned that help them shape their strategy for the competition.

Here are few kinds of marketing techniques by which promoting takes place - Your website, Blog posts, eBooks and white papers, Social media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), Earned online coverage (PR, social media, and reviews), Online brochures, Branding assets like logos, fonts, etc.

Here are some tactics used Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Content Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Pay-Per-Click (PPC), Affiliate Marketing, Native Advertising, Marketing Automation, Email Marketing. The best part about Digital marketing training is that it can work for any business in any industry regardless of what companies are selling, marketing still involves building out buyer personas to identify your audience's needs, and creating valuable online content.

There's approximately 150,000 digital jobs predicted by 2020 and not enough digital professionals to fill them. This provides those studying digital-marketing course with a unique competitive advantage - you're gearing yourself up for a career where demand exceeds supply. Always a good move. Rarely a week goes by without a new onslaught of digital Marketing jobs announced for multinationals and national brands.

Digital-Marketing training is "Evergreen" career choice. The marketing, technology is constantly evolving, hence need for re-skilling is must these days. Churn your future with an impressive digital job.

Search Engines

Since most people enter the web using a search engine, knowing how it works and knowing how to make oneself visible through a search engine is paramount. Through search engine marketing you can create a brand presence, or make a sale, or get a customer lead that can later be closed through direct marketing channels.

Knowing all options that are possible for branding and marketing through search engines is necessary to be a good promoter for a company.

There are 5 strategies for search engine marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Contextually Targeted Text Ads

Paid Inclusion and

Digital Asset Optimization

Companies that use SEO and PPC are the highest.

Facebook and other Social Media Marketing

One must understand the complex dynamics of people interaction on social media. People interact with a brand while on social media either by seeing an advertisement, or Facebook page, or a picture etc. and they comment on the product or share or give feedback to other friends and relatives. Cashing in on this social presence is a part of digital marketing.

Email Marketing

Giving a consumer an option to receive emails about the product, discounts, offers and events. They must be relevant and interesting and motivate the consumer to go to the business website or buy.


Building a website with a logical hierarchy in its navigation based on the goal of the website is an important skill to acquire. Website can be of HTML, PHP or WordPress depending on our interest.

Mobile Media

Since most of our population spends more time on mobile phones than on desktops and computers one must learn how to adapt ads, webpages and social media images to the mobile phone.

Many companies have a mobile app for purchase of product and that too falls under the purview of digital marketing.

To be an expert in the field of digital marketing one must have knowledge on how to bring together a campaign on all platforms simultaneously. Knowing how to link email to Facebook, Instagram, tweeter and your web page.

Digital Marketing is a huge and exciting field that is progressing fast. Companies are forever on a quest to find skilled digital media personnel to help grow their business. This is the only way businesses can stay ahead of their competition.

For details related to Google AdWords Training, SEO training, Graphic design training and Digital Marketing training in Chennai  Our trusted team of trainers will guide you through the course to help you get certified and get a job in this trending field. Our academy in Chennai offers the most advanced teaching experience. Visit us in Chennai at Thinkhin Academy, Anna Salai. For more information contact us at If you know what digital marketing is, you should know how effective it has become today. Well, sometimes it is found that beginners face a few common misconceptions about digital marketing. And eventually, they have to taste early defeat in this challenging market. Believe it or not, I have also gone through the same situations. This is why; I feel I must tell you what things can primarily have negative impacts on your digital media marketing efforts.

It is no doubt that in this technology driven world, digital media based marketing has given the business development a new boosting towards faster growth. But following are some common mistakes that a newbie should avoid:

1. Higher time consumption versus fewer results: The first thing that disappoints a beginner is time against results. It is a fact that there is hardly any short cut to success (except pay-per-click advertisement) in the digital or the online marketing sphere! When you begin to start market your business online, you have to wait and watch for results for some time. After a few outcomes, rework on strategy can lead to expected results. But this does not mean that you should stop working on digital media based marketing ploys. One thing you must remember or convey to your superiors that results of digital marketing stay for a long time. Once the flow of business beings, it does far better in revenue collection than off-line marketing processes.

2. It is too technical and hard to track or measure: I can personally tell you that I have come across people who simply try to negate digital or online marketing as it is a bit technical. Some of my friends and even clients are heard to say, "You people better understand things as you have the technical knowhow". But let me tell you my friends, I am not at all technical person and I do not hold any technical degree. Yet, Googling around and with the help of some of my friends, I am now easily handling my own site's online marketing process. And talking about the tracking process, I can say there are so many tools to analyze and trace the output of your digital marketing efforts. For example, there are many keyword analysis tools that help you know the best keywords or phrases that would help you move forward and outperform your competitors on Google search results.

3. You need to invest lump sum money for success: Another setback that can really affect a beginner to take the first firm step in the domain of digital or online marketing is a money issue. Some people have a big misconception that digital or online marketing means an investment of a considerable part of your marketing budget. But this is not at all true. Whether you employ any digital marketing expert or yourself begin to work in this domain, very nominal investment can start showing you greater results. You can expect better results from other conventional marketing ploys even. There are so many free techniques that can be implemented to get firsthand results.

4. SEO is going to die so stop this nonsense: There are so many Big Brothers who have grown some deep knowledge in themselves about Google and SEO. They have the judgment - Google now does not allow or adhere to conventional practices of optimization of web pages (Meta tags, content etc.) so it is not necessary to invest your money in digital or online marketing (SEO is certainly the part of it). It would be better to follow other techniques. These types of conceptions are nothing but misconceptions about digital marketing! The on-page SEO (working on Meta and content) still has importance to Google and other search engines. Those ploys guide search crawlers to index and show the best results against the user queries. Yes, SEO techniques are becoming advanced to bring the best results to the customers and it is not going to die till the search engines are in the market.

5. Social networking is all digital or online marketing: In this era of 'Facebook', 'Twitter', 'what's Up' people are growing a deep misconception in themselves. They have started to think that social media marketing is all in all in digital marketing. If you can market you business in social channels, you then do not need to do anything else. But for the beginners I must say, stop thinking likewise! If you search, you would find there are so many other techniques that help in bringing results. Do not indulge your time entirely on social media marketing. For example, you have to know and work on making your online presence mobile friendly to reach the greatest number of people. And to do that, you have to know some key techniques that stand as a part of digital media based marketing.

Well, there are so many other misconceptions about digital marketing processes. But I have tried to put forward only 5 misconceptions that can lead a beginner to defeat! I have personally burnt my nail falling in a few of such damaging misconceptions. So I think, everybody should research well and find out the truth. There are so many blogs of experts that can guide a beginner to success in digital and online marketing For example, Google's Spokesperson Mr. Matt Cutts has a blog where he shares his good thoughts on digital and online marketing good practices. Such blogs and helps are innumerable and following those, success is bound to come for a beginner. I wish the above points would help you all be successful in avoiding common misconceptions of digital marketing. Know the truth and get the success.


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